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11 Reasons Why You Should Become An echoVMEan


Tasteful Opportunities

Good food is currency in the walls of echoVME. It keeps our minds running at a brisk clip while we concoct spicy campaigns. There’s never a bad time for a mid-work snack, it helps us savor success and setbacks alike. If you have a sweet tooth and a ravenous appetite (for success), you’ll fit right in!

Work/Play Balance

The first question on any echoVMEan’s mind before conceptualizing a campaign is, will I enjoy it from start to finish? Working at echoVME is all about the common mindset of doing work that inspires the agency (and by extension, the digital world) to strive for new heights. Like our Thinker-in-Chief, our Fundamental approach to work is about thinking out of the box!

Individual Ideas

At echoVME, every impression counts in the quest for maximum impressions. Join a team of driven and passionate young digital thinkers who all play a crucial role in propelling our digital marketing agency in chennai to new heights of success. We believe in the potential of ideas and their tendency to pop up out of the blue, so there’s always a line of Direct Messaging to voice your ideas, no matter your designation. The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack!

Weekend Value

Yes, we know that working weekends are a foregone conclusion when you’re in this line of work. We beg to differ, though. While we want you all to feel at home in the office, we also respect the importance of work-life balance. Your Saturdays and Sundays are safe, but we promise, you’ll love spending the occasional Saturday with the echoVME gang too! If it’s not your style, you can have the next Saturday off 😉

It Takes A Village...

To play the numbers game as well as we do, it takes a small army of ~60 people occupying a single floor. Borderline chaotic? Yes, but we as a team thrive off that raw enthusiasm and fire to push the envelope of digital marketing beyond known limits. Each echoVMEan is an energizer in the overall powerhouse, bringing their own zest and passion to the company table. Friendly vibes reign supreme here, right from the top brass to the interns!

The Name On The Door

While the conventional term would be CEO, our boss Sorav Jain prefers “Thinker-in-Chief”. Leading by example, he spurs the team on to think beyond cookie-cutter strategies and chase path breaking ideas. Since he’s in the business as an influencer himself, we have a leader who practices what he preaches and encourages transparency and application-based strategies in the field. Always approachable and warm to his employees, our TiC is the wind beneath echoVME’s wings.

Good Vibes Only

There’s never a dull moment at echoVME, and it’s not just from a work perspective. Every employee is heard and valued for their contributions to the team. At the core of this positivity is the belief that the agency can only grow if its employees are given equal chances to shine and play to their strengths. Criticism is kept constructive, and the HR team is all ears regarding your requirements and needs as a valuable employee. If you don’t believe us, ask our Chief Happiness Officer, who takes their job very seriously!

United By Digital

Walking through the doors, you’ll notice one detail: echoVME is a microcosm of India itself. Amidst the frenzy of work talk, you’ll hear banter in Hindi, Tamil and even the occasional exchanges in Malayalam and other languages! Expanding on the belief that raw talent and potential can come from anywhere, echoVME is built on a foundation of inclusivity and equality. The nurturing work environment ensures that your voice is heard. At echoVME, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, as long as you wear the title of echoVMEan with pride!

A Sense of Community

Right from the moment you’re inducted into the agency, you’re given a chance to connect and make a great first impression. echoVME holds its traditions like its (in)famous intro sessions in great stead, so put your best foot forward! What’s more, you’ll also have ample opportunities to explore your talents beyond the world of digital. Within a few days, you’ll have found a bunch of pals for epic jam sessions  and maybe even prove your cricket skills! echoVMEans work hard, but they know how to play harder!

Broadcasting Celebrations

Seeing festivals as mere holidays is old-school. At echoVME, you get the full festive experience for every major festive holiday. No work talk on those days, all we do is come together in festive spirit and make wonderful memories as a team. If you’re quick-witted and sharp, you might even walk away with some exciting prizes from special festive events! Be a part of a work culture that is deeply rooted in celebrating cultures of all kinds.

The Big Leagues

Being an echoVMEan gets you a front row seat at events and knowledge sharing sessions with the best minds in the business. By collaborating with eminent influencers who shape the landscape of social media, we give our employees exposure which becomes the ace up their sleeve for the rest of their careers. There’s no substitute for experience, and we believe in enriching your learnings as an echoVMEan beyond just your job responsibilities. With us, you’ll have the perfect launchpad to reach for the stars!

We talk the talk, and our current squad of around 70+ echoVMEans know that we also walk the walk. Ready to Go Digital with us?

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    Job Seekers

    We at echoVME Digital would like to inform you that some individuals are improperly using our company’s name to mislead job seekers.

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    If you receive any job proposals or recruitment details that purport to be from echoVME Digital and request money or personal banking details, please proceed with utmost caution and avoid divulging any sensitive information.

    Please note that we will not be held responsible for any financial losses incurred due to these deceptive acts. Your trust and security matter greatly to us, and we are dedicated to keeping our recruitment process honest and transparent.

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