All of us have had proverbs stuffed to us as we grew up as words of wisdom & advice! We have taken some of the most popular proverbs and put a spin on them – digital marketing proverbs
1. Think before you tweet!
Now everybody knows that once you tweet something, you cannot edit it! You can only delete it! We have seen some atrocious tweets gone horribly wrong just because they weren’t proofread before tweeting! Save yourselves (and the rest) from the embarrassment! Proofread before you tweet!
2. Every blog has it’s day!
In today’s dynamic world, there is no dearth of content to write! There are thousands of things happening in the world – good & bad. We often see certain blogs coming up with the updates and those blogs rule the roost for the day! Take our tip – be quick in publishing your content , use keyword enriched sentences so that your blog comes on top!
3. Where there is Google Maps, there is a way!
Gone are those days when people asked for directions to get to a place. Commuters have become smarter. They use Google Maps! So should you! Go savvy! Register your brand’s location on Google Maps for your target audience to reach you at ease!
4. As you boost, so you Reach!
What with Facebook now restricting the reach of your posts, more and more organizations are flocking to paid avenues to ensure their messages reach their audience! With the targeting option, we can even control whom all your posts reaches too! As you can see, the idea of boosting is the best way to reach the right kind of audience at the right time!
5. Make tweets while the hashtag shines!
Everybody wants visibility. Everybody wants to leave a mark in their audiences’ minds! We see hashtags trending everyday on twitter! Smart marketers ensure to use the hashtag in the right way to promote their brands! Be careful though! You never know when it may be used against you. Key is to be witty & insightful not insensitive or pithy!
6. When the going gets tough, the Ads get going!
What do you do when you need to grow your community but Facebook is restricting your reach? Simple. Run Ad campaigns with the express objective of increasing the likes to your page. 5-6 images with effective & clear message targeted to the right audience will have audiences flocking to your page and liking it.
7. A tweet is mightier than sword!
Twitter has evolved into a powerful medium to share & express one’s opinion! With today’s youth and prominent figures turning to twitter, more and more people are signing up for it. Followers, Favorite & RT the best and basic features of twitter makes it easy for people to search out news based on their topics of interest! Hence it almost beats the traditional media forms when it comes to spreading news!
8. Better Backdate than never!
Uh oh! You’ve missed out on an important post for your followers? You got the design late? Internet issues? No worries! Facebook’s Backdate option is here to save the day! We admit we have done it only a couple of times! 😛
9. Boosting is the best policy
How do you make your post reach to your audiences and their friends? Have a budget set aside for boosting & make it regular!
10. If you can’t beat them, benchmark them!
This one is a classic! Upon taking up a client, it is very important to know the kind of communications strategy your competitors are following. This helps in bringing more and more ideas maybe even better ones!
11. Beauty lies in the eyes of the designer!
Well this you all have to agree with! Unless you clearly mention your vision to your designer, he/she will not be able to create it as one needs!
12. A penny spent is a LIKE earned!
As mentioned above, the money you spend on your Ad campaigns directly converts to increase in your community hence making more people aware of your brand! But be careful to target it to the right audience otherwise all your efforts will be in vain!
13. Trendiness is next to Godliness!
It’s simple! As long as you stay on top of the trends, post content related to it, you will be able to engage your audience by inciting their curiosity!
14. Google before you post
Imagine you have come up with an amazing post, imagine you have posted & boosted it… And you find out that you had got the facts wrong! Did you just see your nightmare flashing before your eyes? Yeah, all this can be avoided if you first check your facts right and then post it!
If you are a smart marketer, you would know all this fundas and have been successfully using it to yield amazing results for your clients as we do! If not, start doing it to see the difference in the activities of your pages! There are people who would love your content! You just need to target them!
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