For us creative folks, a Friday morning session on how to draw creativity from our daily lives and keep our creative juices was a much needed breather. And Mr. Varun Varadarajan, the CEO of Productive Solutions knew just how to do that! We were all in for a particularly interesting and exhilarating session!
We were all meant to be creative!
He inculcated a feeling of positivity and excitement in everyone present in the room. He started the session by asking us how often we run out of ideas and how we can channel ideas from our lives to be more creative. He made us realize that creativity can be found anywhere and we just have to look for it in the right place. Listening and observing closely to things, reading which helps us imagine things and makes a rich impact on our minds, going back to our childhood and draw inspiration from the way we used to think back then, etc. He also urged us to maintain a diary and write about all the different ideas that run through us everyday and record interesting conversations with the people we meet!
Creative learning process
We were introduced to the ‘Rebus’ puzzle where pictures are used to represent words or parts of words. Deciphering and designing words/phrases and clauses is all about one’s creativity which we all found out then!
We split into teams and created our own Rebus puzzles, pitting against each team and guessing harder at the depictions. Each team came up with their creative puzzles and asked the other teams to find out the word associated with the puzzle. The winning team held a record of 1 minute and 5 seconds of us try to guess the word (Flyover!).
He gave us another interesting task of finding English alphabets and from the things around us! Pictures were taken of the letters we could find from the premises and our surroundings. The team which found the most number of letters in 10 minutes, won! We found ‘Y’ in trees and ‘M’ in cycle pedals and many more alphabets from our surroundings.
He wrapped up the session by suggesting us not to stress ourselves in search of creativity and to explore the world where we can find it!