Training schedules : In echoVME we have each echoVME specialized in their own field taking training session per day. These sessions are held to share an individual’s knowledge @echoVME with all the echovmians.
In –charge for the week:
Mond – Vernicia
Wed – Sorav
Frid – Priya and goes on………
“Best session with each Trainee”
Vernicia: E-mail Etiquettes
The Mojo Jojo…. J D’Creative guru’s best session was on E-mail Etiquette Where she started from the basics of how to send an e-mail Formally /Informally, The starting statement ,How to list the documents, Mention PFA with format ,Closing Statement. The Whole session was quite entertaining after the session we were assigned a task based on the session (E-mail Etiquette).
Sorav : Posting/Per Month
Best session of the “Thinker in chief” was on Posting/per Month .This session included the strategy of Social media Marketing – posting , B2C client , B2B client, Sostac Model .This session gets “The longest session Award “ It was the most Informative session.
Priya’s best session was on linkedin she gave a 2 hours theory and 2 hours practical on how to create a linked in profile ,How to get connected ,The language used .This session was more of practical based.
Verdict : These Internal Traning sessions are really helpful for everyone specially the Fresher’s .We get to share knowledge with others and
“Gain a lot of Gyan for our brighter future.”